Release of ‘Grace City’ (feat. Deborah Dicembre) (E.P.)
Another facet of Mark Isaacs’ musical world: a turnaround to his major debut as a songwriter and producer, writing all the lyrics as well as composing and arranging the music, and playing piano and keyboards. Featuring the strings of the Czech National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mark and the astonishing vocals of Deborah Dicembre.
“The Grace City EP is a thing of beauty. Exquisite songs, singing and musicianship. Spend time with it – it’s time that will bring glorious and wonderful rewards.” STUART COUPE music journalist and author
“Part Leonard Bernstein, part Burt Bacharach as interpreted by Dionne Warwick and Dusty Springfield – it’s almost symphonic pop!” Michael George Smith RHYTHMS MAGAZINE
Released November 11, 2024 and available on major digital music platforms.
This recording was assisted by the NSW Government through Create NSW